• Tue, 21. November 2023
  • 18:30
  • Innsbruck, Müllerstrasse 27

Course start: Adventure Philosophy

Start of the new basic course in practical philosophy.
What is the human being?
What hidden abilities lie within us?
What laws govern the universe?
What values govern the world?
Which values determine my life?
How can I improve my ability to live together?
How can I develop myself further?
How do we solve the current crises of our time?
And much more..
Ready for an adventure? Join our course in practical philosophy! But beware: this course could change your life..
What is actually important to me? Do my efforts have a purpose? What values in life are really worth fighting for? What career should I choose? Should I have a family or not? What is happiness?
These are all questions that people have always asked themselves - and continue to ask today. Even if they may not be among the top topics on social networks, they are questions that move many people. For this reason, the greatest thinkers in history have sought - and found - answers to these questions. Of course, there are no patent remedies, but that's the special thing about philosophy: it can give you an orientation, an impulse in a certain direction - what you make of it is up to you, the important thing is that it doesn't get stuck in your head. Philosophy is not just about thinking and talking, but above all about acting: I learn new ways to shape my life. I get to know myself better, my strengths and weaknesses - and tools and ways to deal with these strengths and weaknesses in order to lead a fulfilled and happy life.
The basic course offers keys to understanding life. It is not about as many and complex theories as possible, but about putting into practice the ideas that move us the most.
The aim of the course is ..
... to experience philosophy in a simple, practical and realistic way. As an inner adventure to get to know yourself and the world better.
... to engage with the wisdom of different cultures in order to recognize that every person strives for something higher at their core and to gain confidence that this can be achieved.
... to gain experience not alone, but in a community and to find practical answers to the big and small questions of life.
The course gives you inspiration from the philosophies, world views and wisdom from East and West. You will get to know the treasures of wisdom from India, Tibet, China, Egypt, Greece and Rome. The course offers keys to understanding yourself, nature and society. Through lectures, discussions and exercises, you will learn how to implement the ideas that move you most in your everyday life.
Are you interested? Then come along or contact us! But be careful: this course could change your life..
First evening without obligation for a taster.
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