- Thu, 21. March 2024
- 18:00
- City Library, Amraserstr. 2
What can AI do? The benefits and risks of using artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) has long since arrived in our everyday lives. Algorithms filter spam from our email inboxes and chatbots make it easier for us to write texts. But AI also has its downsides. From spreading disinformation to sending phishing messages, generative AI is increasingly being used as a tool of deception.
In this event, business information scientist Prof. Andreas Eckhardt will discuss how AI can be used to undermine trust in society, jeopardize individual safety and even compromise the scientific discovery process. Secondly, he highlights how the same technology can be used to detect fake content in the first place. So AI is not only part of the problem, it can also be part of the solution.
So we ask: What impact does the use and misuse of AI have on society and how does one assess this impact? In addition to knowledge of AI technologies and their development dynamics, normative concepts of "benefit" and "harm" play a role in the assessment. Such concepts determine which technological innovations are considered desirable and/ordroharmful and to what extent.
But what do these concepts mean, who interprets them and how do they help to draw up risk profiles? The philosopher Assoz.-Prof. Marie-Luisa Frick will talk about the ethical groundwork required to answer these questions. The subsequent panel discussion invites a broadening of the debate and greater involvement of citizens. Discuss with us!
Details of the event can also be found online at: https://www.uibk.ac.at/de/events/info/2024/discussion-ki/
The Digital Science Center (DiSC) was founded at the beginning of 2019 with the aim of advancing the digitalization of the sciences and taking new research directions. The DiSCussion lecture series was created to promote dialog between science and society. It is currently dedicated to the main topic of AI and is co-organized by the Office of the Vice-Rector for Digitalization and Sustainability.
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- Thu, 21. March 2024 at 18:00