• Great Hall, House of Music Innsbruck
Ready for a MOONDANCE? A balmy summer evening - stars reflected in her eyes! Van Morrison's song sets the mood. Rhythm breaks and tempo changes in the Kool and the Gangs chart-topper CELEBRATION - it's already boiling! Swinging big band sound in Diana Krall's or Frank Sinatra's vocal jazz number COME DANCE WITH ME: "Hey there cutes, put on your dancing boots and come dance with me... "FLY ME TO THE MOON in Latin style or the gentle AFTER YOU'VE GONE with an almost nostalgic "New Orleans Band" accompaniment. The bluesy CRY ME A RIVER is inevitably reminiscent of Ella and after Katy Perry's 2016 Olympic song RISE, Pharrell Williams' song just makes you feel HAPPY! In any case, we're ready for a hot flight to the moon, but we certainly won't forget the musical grounding for the necessary groove while singing. LET'S CELEBRATE!
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