• Wed, 27. March 2024
  • 16:00
  • Gallery Nothburga

Welcome to our world

In her staged photographs, collages, installations and paintings, Christiane Spatt shows the subtly formative factors of her cultural identity. The motifs, patterns and objects in her works refer to personal memories and periods of life and are charged with feelings and associations. The resulting surreal snapshots are like a guide through Christiane Spatt's own life story.

In his objects, Dieter Manhartsberger engages in a kind of "upcycling" in which various parts of discarded PCs are assembled into small devotional objects or shrines. In their decorative structure, the small objects bear witness to human creative ability and imagination. According to Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese doctrine of healthy living, the flow of Ch'i is disturbed in many rooms. This is where Manhartsberger's "Ch'i - Machines" come into play. Correctly placed, they are designed to set stagnant energy in motion and thus promote well-being in the long term.